It never ceases to amaze me the way people will choose to act at corporate events. There are typically two different approaches; one includes those who think because they are away from family and their regular routine that it's okay to "let your hair down" and act in a way that's less than professional. The other is maintaining one's professionalism, especially when around peers, knowing that these impressions are what people take away with them when the event is over.
Two months ago, I heard Bruce Turkel, an expert on branding, speak. He said the definition of a brand is "what people say about you when you're not there." As you think about, and work on, your own personal brand, the question has to be asked, "What do people say about you when you're not there?"
There are many tools to help build your personal brand. Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, blogging, etc. all have a place as you create and propagate your message to the world. While these tools are helpful, we can't forget one of the most powerful and unique; the personal experience. What you say is not near as important as what you do. If your message via the various social sites is not consistent with what people witness when they interact with you, your credibility will be lost immediately and your personal brand will suffer dramatically.
Today, think about your core principles. Determine those things most important to you. Craft your message that is consistent with those principles and start sharing them with the world. THEN, in every interaction, conversation, and email and text exchange make sure your actions are speaking louder than your words as you live out those principles and message.
One of the gentlemen who had tremendous influence on me is Zig Ziglar. I quote him often. I've had the privilege of attending Monday Morning Devotionals at Ziglar corporate headquarters here in Dallas. Zig passed away last November but I have spoken with many who worked for him and those who knew him on a very personal level. One of those people is Bryan Flanagan. Bryan worked for Zig for almost 30 years. When we were talking about Zig a couple of weeks ago, he said something that I consider to be one of the all-time greatest compliments one person can give another. He said of his friend, Zig Ziglar, "He was the most consistent man I've ever met. What you heard him say, what he wrote, every speech he gave, he lived it." Wow! What a legacy that is!
Are your actions consistent with who you want to be? What do people say about you when you're not there? The great news is if you haven't been as consistent as you'd like, you can change that today! Start making better choices. Understand the power of every interaction you have. Get a clear vision of who you are and then start acting in a manner confirming that.
"Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life. Put away from you false and dishonest speech, and willful and contrary talk put far from you. Let your eyes look right on [with fixed purpose], and let your gaze be straight before you. Consider well the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established and ordered aright." Proverbs 4:23-26 (AMP)
Good reminder for us Craig!